Chapter 242 - The North

The order was immediately passed down, all the soldiers in the Shanbei Forbidden Army's Third Army immediately stopped their training, and started to pack up their weapons, food, clothes and so on. In less than an hour, all the soldiers had finished packing! They lined up in pairs with backpacks on their back!

Following that, the entire Third Army began to move towards the Yan'an Prefecture s in the east!

The distance from here to Yan'an Prefecture was over a hundred miles. The soldiers had already trained for a day, but at the moment, no one was slacking off. Everyone was running forward with big steps!

The Shaanxi's winter night was abnormally cold! However, the soldiers were sweating profusely and did not feel the cold.

All along the way, only footsteps could be heard. There was no sound of conversation! In the Shanbei Forbidden Army, military discipline was exceptionally strict, and private conversations were not allowed during a march!

The sky was getting darker, but they were still striding forward! It wasn't until midnight that they arrived at a place with no wind. Here, they would take a break!

"Why did the military want us to gather?" To the Yan'an Prefecture? " Only then did the soldiers begin to talk!

"Could it be the conquest of Western Xia? Since last winter, the military had sent an order for us to be ready to head north! This time, the military suddenly wants us to go to the Yan'an Prefecture, I'm afraid we have to gather an army and head north at full strength! " A soldier said.

"Is this true?" The soldier who spoke earlier said with great excitement.

"If nothing unexpected happens, it should be true!" The soldier behind him said.

At this moment, all the soldiers in the military were discussing about this matter. All the soldiers were extremely excited! They yearned for war, they longed for it, they waited for it, they waited for it!

"Everyone, don't speak! Take your time to rest! Even I am not sure what is going on right now! The military only ordered us to rush to Yan'an Prefecture in the morning! Wait until we reach Yan'an Prefecture, we will then know what's going on! " As Mo Biao was patrolling the army, he heard the discussions of the soldiers and shouted out loud.

The soldiers seized the moment to rest. They ate the dry and hard cakes and stuffed the snow into their mouths in large mouthfuls to quench their thirst!

After less than an hour, the Third Army continued their journey! The ten thousand of them continued to stride towards the Eastern Yan'an Prefecture!

Along the way, they became more and more exhausted. Their speed gradually slowed down, but not a single one of them stopped!

The sky gradually brightened as a large city faintly appeared in the distance! Seeing the city, all the soldiers cheered!

In front of them was the Yan'an Prefecture!

The soldiers of the Third Army increased their speed as they ran in that direction! Fifteen minutes later, they finally arrived at the entrance of Yan'an Prefecture! This place was already filled with soldiers. Countless teams had gathered here! Mo Biao immediately led the Third Army and stood within the army. All the soldiers stood there quietly. No one dared to cause a ruckus!

On top of the Yan'an Prefecture's city walls, Li Xianzhong, who was dressed in his military uniform, was standing there and sizing up the troops below!

Li Yanxian was standing beside him!

One of them was the commander of the Song Dynasty after Yue Fei and Han Shizhong. He was an unrivaled general who had repeatedly defeated the Jin Army, controlling all the troops in the world! One of them was the famous chieftain of the allied army in all of history! This time, Li Xianzhong was the commander, and Li Yanxian was his assistant!

"The current army is far superior to the former rebel army!" Li Xianzhong looked at the scene below and laughed.

"That's right!" Right now, the Shanbei Forbidden Army's fighting strength was more than ten times! Shanbei Forbidden Army only needs ten thousand people, and we will be able to defeat all of the allied armies of the thirty-six ways back then! " Li Yanxian lamented.

At this moment, Li Yanxian had no choice but to admit that the possessed unfathomable powers. In less than two years, the army had undergone a tremendous change, and their fighting strength had increased by leaps and bounds! The current army was the real army, and it had even surpassed the Western Army in the last years of the Northern Song Dynasty!

This was the Western Army's headquarters. Li Yanxian had once seen the elegance of the Western Army! However, that year, the Western Army in front of her eyes was also much worse off!

"That's right!" Moreover, this time it is not only our Shanbei Forbidden Army that are moving, there are also a hundred thousand of them in the west. They will go from Qin Feng Road into the Western Xia and attack the main forces of the Western Xia together with us! In addition, the fifty thousand Tsinghua Army s will also follow us into the Western Xia to assist us in battle! The total military strength of the Western Xia is over four hundred thousand, and the military strength that we have mobilized is over two hundred and fifty thousand! However, our plan is not to be trifled with. I have already looked at the northern warfare plan that came from the staff officer's headquarters. As long as this plan can be carried out, the Western Xia's main force will surely be annihilated! Even if the Western Xia does not perish, they will not be able to go south within twenty years! " Li Xianzhong said.

"Marshal, our men are here!" Li Yanxian said.

"Very good! Let's go down! " Li Xianzhong said.

Then, Li Xianzhong, Li Yanxian and the rest descended from the city walls, and stood in the middle of the army! Seeing the commander of the Shanbei Forbidden Army arrive, the surroundings immediately became even quieter. Other than the sound of the wind blowing, no other sound could be heard!

"Brothers, I received His Majesty's decree yesterday! His Majesty had ordered all one hundred thousand soldiers of the Shanbei Forbidden Army to move out and attack Western Xia directly! " Li Xianzhong said.

His inner strength was profound, and his voice traveled far away!

When they heard the voice, the warriors below burst into an uproar! Although they had already guessed that they might enter the Western Xia, they didn't confirm it. Now that they heard the marshal say so, they were extremely excited!

"Men, push that man up!" Li Xianzhong shouted loudly.

After hearing the voice, a few soldiers carried a person to stand in front of Li Xianzhong! This person had a long and sturdy build, and a full face full of whiskers. He was dressed in rich clothes, and on his head was the attire of a Western Xia person!

The man was forced to kneel on the ground, facing the huge army of 100,000 below!

The huge army of 100,000 below looked at this Western Xia person in astonishment. They didn't know who this Western Xia person was!

"This man is Western Xia's King Jin, Li Qianming! Six days ago, this person went to see His Majesty as the envoy of Western Xia! " Li Xianzhong said.

After Li Xianzhong finished speaking, the warriors below all revealed surprised expressions! Since this person was an envoy from the Western Xia, why did he treat him like this? It had to be known that the ancient people emphasized "when two countries are at war, they don't kill each other." The other party was the envoy of Western Xia. Even if the Song Dynasty wanted to fight the Western Xia, they would not insult their envoy!

"Do you know what was the first thing he said after meeting His Majesty?" Li Xianzhong said.

The warriors below all shook their heads.

Li Xianzhong's face revealed an extremely indignant expression, and said: "He actually made his majesty kneel down and receive the decree!"

"What!" Instantly, the 100,000 officers below were shocked, and after a short moment, they burst out in a wave of curses! No one would have thought that the envoys of Western Xia would be so rampant! The emissaries of the Western Xia dared to make the Chinese emperors kneel down and accept their orders! Over the years, the military had carried out extreme thoughts of the military, and the military was extremely hostile towards outsiders. At this moment, the soldiers' emotions were on the verge of exploding!

"Do you know what is written in the letter of the Western Xia Emperor?" Li Xianzhong said again.

"I don't know!" The warriors below shook their heads!

"The emperor of Western Xia actually … He actually insulted His Majesty! He wanted His Majesty to call him grandfather! He had His Majesty offer up the Empress to the Western Xia Capital's Xingqing Mansion! " Li Xianzhong gritted his teeth.

"What!" The hundred thousand officers were stunned once more as they broke out in curses one after another!

Guan Shan, Middle Han Area, all sorts of people worshiped him! Zhao Chen had long been announced as a saint and a god, and the Western Xia Emperor had insulted the leader of the soldiers in their hearts, so how could these soldiers agree?

"What do you think we should do now?" Li Xianzhong asked loudly.

"Fight!" Fight! "Fight …" Such a sound could be heard everywhere! It was earth-shattering! All the soldiers were filled with righteous indignation. They wished that they could rush to the Western Xia and destroy it!

"That's right!" Fight! Only by killing the Western Xia could they wash away the humiliation they had brought to the Song Dynasty! Now, immediately set out, exterminate the Western Xia, and capture the Western Xia Emperor alive. Then, make him kneel in front of the Emperor and repent! " Li Xianzhong said loudly.

The soldiers below all nodded their heads in excitement. Under Li Xianzhong's orders, the huge army of 100,000 headed towards the north.

"Are you crazy?" Prince Jin, Li Qianming, knelt on the ground and asked in disbelief.

"Are you crazy?" Li Xianzhong looked at him and said in shock.

"Your little emperor only has half of his former territory, and his strength is only half of his former strength! Now, you guys are facing the oppression of the Emperor Jianyan s, and the Dajin s, and you still dare to fight against us, the Western Xia? Aren't you crazy? " Li Qianming said.

"The barbarian who sits in the well and watches the sky!" What the hell! To dare insult Great Song Emperor, he should have been sentenced to death by now! However, since you are the envoy of Western Xia, I will spare your life! And now, you actually dare to spout such sarcastic remarks. Cholera Army's hearts!? "" I don't. Humph, if His Majesty can spare you, I, Li Xianzhong cannot forgive you! " Li Xianzhong sneered.

"What are you going to do?" Li Qianming sensed something was wrong, so he asked loudly. Li Xianzhong had already sent a kick towards Li Qianming, only to hear Li Qianming screaming in pain, his mouth was full of blood, and all of his teeth had been broken!

Li Xianzhong ruthlessly stomped his foot at Li Qianming yet again. Li Qianming let out another miserable cry, and he felt as if all his internal organs had been stomped to the point of being shattered! He groaned and could not get up again!

"Cut off his ears! Take him to the Western Xia! When we reach the Western Xia Capital's Xingqing Mansion, send him back to the Western Xia Emperor! " Li Xianzhong said coldly.

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